Knowbler October 2023 Release Notes

In the October ‘23 release, Auto-Generate deservedly grabs all the limelight. Although still in beta, the feature is capable of generating accurate and context-aware titles and resolution-capturing summaries for knowledge articles in Salesforce and Zendesk.

Auto-Generate for Salesforce and Zendesk

Using Auto-Generate in Salesforce and Zendesk is akin to putting article creation, at least part of it, on auto-pilot. The new feature generates titles and summaries (Salesforce) or descriptions (Zendesk) which the support rep can refine to create articles fast. Unlike in mapping, the titles and summaries in Auto-Generate are composed with the help of an LLM.

Auto-Generate feature is fast. For a new knowledge article, the title and the summary are ready within a few seconds.

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Salesforce Configuration: Knowbler-Salesforce: Configuration in Knowbler

Salesforce Use: Knowbler for Agents in Salesforce

Zendesk Configuration: Knowbler-Zendesk: Configuration in Zendesk

Zendesk Use: Knowbler for Agents in Zendesk

Last updatedTuesday, October 31, 2023

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