Knowbler for Agents in Salesforce

Knowbler has been developed using Lightning Web Components (LWC).

Create an Article

You can reuse the information on case pages to create articles. Instead of starting from scratch, edit the data in the mapped fields.


Knowbler-Salesforce: Configuration in Knowbler and Install Knowbler in Salesforce

  1. Open a case and launch Knowbler.

  2. Clickto create a new article.

  3. A list of Knowbler-admin created templates is displayed. Choose one.

  4. Edit the data in the mapped fields.

    NOTE 1. Ensure that the Title and URL fields aren't empty. Articles cannot be saved when either of these fields is empty. Title cannot be longer than 255 characters. The size of data in other fields is regulated by Salesforce.

    NOTE 2. Ensure that there is data in all the mandatory fields defined by your Salesforce Admin. If they are empty, then the article cannot be saved.

  5. Use the rich text editor to draft articles. The enhanced editor offers several formatting options: the ability to insert images, tables, blockquotes, code blocks, the Export to Word function, and many others.

  6. Use the Attachment function to link files to articles. The supported formats and the maximum file size are the same as in Salesforce files. The files can be removed from a article any time by clicking the icon .

    NOTE. The Attachment function in Knowbleris displayed when two conditions are fulfilled:

    • The file object is present in the Knowledge layout in Salesforce

    • Your profile has access to the attachment field in Salesforce

    NOTE. If an attached file is deleted from Salesforce, it will be automatically removed from Knowbler. At the same time, if a support agent uploads a file and then closes Knowbler, doesn’t save the article, or lets their session expire, then the file remains uploaded in Salesforce without being associated with any record. It’s recommended to remove such files from the Salesforce object.

  7. Alternatively, wait for Auto-Generate to compose a title and a summary. It generates a title and description in a matter of a few seconds. Auto-Generate works when Knowbler is connected with an LLM. If you don't see Auto-Generate in your Knowbler, then ask your admin to set it up.

  8. Use the Preview Content Health button to view the Content Health score for your article in real time.

  9. If the button is grayed out, then ask your Knowbler admin to check Preview Article Content Health in Advanced Settings. More information is on Configure Advanced Settings in Knowbler.

  10. Based on the numbers, you may want to rewrite some parts in the article to increase the score.

    NOTE. Complete and Content Clear are always blank because the only a Content Reviewer can assign score in those fields.

  11. Once the draft is ready, choose one of the following:

    • Save as Draft saves the article as a draft in Salesforce.

    • Publish is visible only if you have the requisite rights in your org. Once you click Publish, a dialog appears where you can decide whether to publish the article right away or schedule the publishing for later.

    • Publish & Attach publishes your draft and links it to the opened case.

  12. When you’re saving or publishing and the article is similar to an already published or drafted article, then Knowbler displays an alert about the similar articles.

    A list of similar articles is displayed. Similar articles are found using machine learning, which matches the article being created with the already-created articles. The model is based on the content similarity in the fields mapped in the template and it finds the article or the list of articles that are similar to what the agent is documenting.


    Duplicacy is calculated based on the content similarity in the fields checked “Include the field for AI/ML Predictions”. That screen appears when you’re mapping a template.

    You can review the list and save the article. If you have the right set of permissions, you can edit, publish, and share the article. Accordingly, you can click either Back to editing or Proceed Anyway.

    The Back to editing and Proceed anyway buttons are displayed:

    • below the similar articles when Knowbler is opened in full-screen mode.

    • above the similar articles when it is opened on a case page.

    This feature helps you in multiple ways:

    • It prevents duplicate articles from cluttering your knowledge base.

    • It improves search experience because duplicate articles aren’t created and aren’t returned in search results.

    • It improves end-user experience because they don’t have to spend their time and energy figuring out the authentic article from a set of duplicates.


    • The similarity is based on the content stored in the mapped fields. Along with each article, a similarity score is displayed. When two or more articles have the same similarity score, then the published articles are displayed earlier than article drafts and most recently modified articles are displayed before the articles last modified before them. For example, an article modified on 15 September, 2025 is displayed before an article modified on 10 September, 2025.

    • On the “Similar articles found” screen, editing is disabled.

    Known Issues

    • The Similar articles found count sometimes differ from the number of duplicates displayed. It happens because of deleted Salesforce articles, which are counted by Knowbler but not displayed (because they don’t exist).

    • Any changes in the Data Category assigned to an article don’t reflect in Knowbler. An agent can mistakenly assign an article the data category “Salesforce” at the time of article creation and later change it to “Zendesk”. Such changes are ignored by the ML model for predicting duplicacy.

    • In Salesforce, the categories with parent values other than 'All' are disabled, preventing the agents from selecting them in Knowledge articles. However, these categories are still visible in Knowbler, and if an agent selects one, it does not get saved in the article.

Access Control and Other Settings

On Knowbler instances, a second tab can be spotted next to Create Article.

The default name for the second tab is Access Control and Other Settings, but the name can be changed from the Field Mapping screen.

Create Article contains content fields, such as title, urlName, and summary. The fields that carry permissions—such as isVisibleInCsp and isVisibleInPkb—are stored in Access Control and Other Settings. If a Knowbler admin has assigned at least one field to Access Control and Other Settings, then the agents will see two tabs. Else, they will find only one tab in the Knowbler.

Regenerate an Article


This feature only works when LLM is enabled.

Knowledge articles can become obsolete when new information is added to a case. This can happen when a customer opens a case again and the new resolution is slightly different. It can also happen when an expert suggests a more efficient solution. The scenarios are many. The only thread uniting those scenarios is the need to update the knowledge article based on the latest case details. The Re-generate button helps agents update knowledge articles faster.

To update an article, open the case linked to it in the background, launch Knowbler and then click Re-generate.

Re-generate over the field Description updates only the content in the description field and Re-generate over the field Title updates only the content in the title field.

Share an Article


The sharing options are visible only on active cases in Knowbler instances on the Q1 '24 or an older version.

Agents can attach articles to closed cases if they are using the Q2' 24 or a later version of Knowbler.

You can share published knowledge articles in four ways: Attach to Case, Link via Email, Link via Case Comment, and Copy to Clipboard.

To start, use the search box to find a knowledge article for sharing. Search supports Synonym Groups and you can receive up to 2000 results for a query. Results featuring all of your search terms are prioritized over those with only some of the terms. For instance, a query like [a b c d e] will show results with [a b c d e] before showing results with [a b c d], [a d e], [b c e], or any other combination. When searching, use brief queries. Queries exceeding 100 characters reduce relevancy in search results.

  1. Once you have located the right article in search results, click on ellipsis.

  2. Select a sharing option:

    • Attach to Case links a knowledge article to the opened Salesforce case.

    • Link via Email sends an email with the knowledge article's URL. The support agent supplies the receiver's address. The link is inserted either at the beginning of your message or where your cursor is.

    • Link via Case Comment publishes a new comment on the case page with the knowledge article URL.

    • Copy to Clipboard copies the knowledge article URL to your device's buffer.

  3. Unless you have picked "Copy to Clipboard", you'll be asked if the article-to-be-shared is a Reference or Resolution. You can only add one resolution to a case but there is no upper limit to the number of reference articles that can be attached.

  4. Click OK to proceed.

View Articles

Knowledge articles are listed under three tabs: My Draft Articles, All Draft Articles, and Published Articles. The articles are sorted in descending order by last modified date. It's possible to filter by language from the Language dropdown. If a Knowbler admin has added the language field while mapping, then you can specify knowledge article language. The default language is the language set in the org. You can also use an in-built search function to find articles by their titles.


Ask your Knowbler admin to provide you access through Configure Article List View if you cannot see Other Draft Articles in Knowbler.

Each article in the list has five fields: Title, Article ID, Template, Author Name, and Last Modified Date. To view the contents of an article, hover the cursor over its title. A Preview window opens.

Edit a Knowledge Article Draft

  1. To make changes in an article, click ellipsis ().
  2. Click either Edit Article or Manage in Salesforce. The first feature lets agents edit articles in Knowbler and the second feature opens the article in Salesforce.

  3. Click Save after you are done.


  • Error: Cannot Save URL. An error message shows up when a new title matches an existing one. In such a scenario, edit the URL to make it unique.

  • Error: Cannot Save Title. Crop the title to fewer than 255 characters.

  • Error: Mapping is Unavailable. Objects for mapping are only available for fields that accept variables. For example, you can store a Title in a Subject, a case body in an article body, and so on. But for Boolean fields (such as isPublished), you can select a value and connect them to a template.

  • Error: There is no template. The "Choose a template" is not available when your Knowbler admin has used only the Salesforce Master template. This is not an error per se. To view the screen, ask your Knowbler admin to create a few custom templates in Salesforce and configure them in Knowbler.

  • API Error code: 429: Too many requests. Click "Retry".

  • Python Library Error code: Timeout. Click "Retry"

  • Python Library Error code: AuthenticationError. Agents cannot use auto-generation after this error until the Knowbler admin has reauthenticated the key. Ask your admin to authenticate Knowbler again.

  • OpenAI Errors. The Auto Generation feature in OpenAI may sometimes generate errors due to factors within OpenAI. In such cases, there is usually nothing an agent or admin can do but wait until the error is resolved. A list of known OpenAI errors can be found in the View Error Logs (Knowbler).

  • Unable to Generate Content Health. Please Try Again. Click OK to try again.