Knowbler January 2023 Release Notes
The January ‘23 Knowbler took place on January 31, 2023. The features are made available to your instance within a week of the release.
Configure Knowledge Article URLs
Article Sharing Settings lets Knowbler admins configure public URLs for the articles stored in Zendesk and Salesforce Knowledge. The public URLs are useful if when the goal is to share an article with a customer.
More information: Configure Knowbler in Zendesk and Configure Knowbler
Link Articles as Resolutions or References
Each time support agents insert an article link into a case comment through Link via Case Comment, a new dialog pops up. The agents can mark the article-to-be-shared as a reference article or a resolution article.
Reference articles are those articles that help customers understand their problem. For example, if a customer complaints that his Internet is down, then you can share an article listing all the potential reasons for losing Internet connectivity.
Resolution articles are those articles that explain how to fix an issue. For example, if a customer complaints that her laptop doesn't work and she can see Error 2023 on her screen, then you can share an article detailing how to fix the error.
Turning on the Reference-Resolution dialog for support agents is entirely the decision of a Knowbler admin. The feature isn't mandatory for all teams.
More information: Knowbler for Agents in Zendesk (for agents), Configure Knowbler in Zendesk (for admins), Configure Knowbler (for admins), and Knowbler for Agents in Salesforce (for agents)