Knowbler September 2023 Release Notes
The September ‘23 Knowbler release took place on September 30, 2023. This release opens article sharing for support reps and captures sharing data in Analytics. It also introduces URL configuration for Microsoft Dynamics. You can configure what goes into the article URL that is shared with customers.
Article Sharing in Microsoft Dynamics
Salesforce and Zendesk users can already design the URL for public-facing articles. Now this feature is available to Microsoft Dynamics users.
Link: Knowbler for Agents in Microsoft Dynamics
Article Sharing Settings in Microsoft Dynamics
Public articles in Microsoft Dynamics have the URL in the format{{appid}}&{{custom}}. You can configure what goes into the last part ({{custom}}) of this address. This function allows you to create URLs that are easy to remember and uniform.
Link: Knowbler-Dynamics: Configuration in Knowbler
Article Sharing Analytics for Microsoft Dynamics
With the introduction of the article sharing comes another advantage. You can view who shares the articles on Microsoft Dynamics and how many articles are shared in reports such as Low Impact KB Articles and Articles Usage Analytics.