Knowledge Champion Dashboard Glossary
The essential glossary to help you understand the Knowledge Champion Dashboard.
Knowledge Contribution index (KCi)
KCi measures the contribution of a support agent in generating new knowledge. To understand its calculation, let’s explore the gamification system from the agent’s perspective.
When a support agent is working on a case for which no knowledge article exists, a message appears on their screen stating: "You've encountered a New Case for which no Knowledge exists. Want to create a KB article to share your insights and solutions?"
Fig. The dialog for a support agent when gamification is turned on.
The agent can respond by selecting one of the following options: (1) Yes, (2) No, (3) Knowledge Already Exists, and (4) Not a Creation Opportunity.
The first two options are used in calculating KCi.
Yes: The agent confirms this is a knowledge creation opportunity and creates a new knowledge article for the case.
No: The agent acknowledges this is a knowledge creation opportunity but does not create a new knowledge article for the case.
Formula for KCi Calculation
KCi is calculated as follows:
While calculating the KCi, Knowbler ensures the following:
Multiple articles created for a single case are counted only once.
An article created by one agent for a case closed by another agent is not counted.
Articles created for cases closed in the previous month are not included in "Knowledge Created for Closed Cases." However, the closed case is still counted under "Closed Cases with Knowledge Creation Opportunities.
Example Calculation:
If an agent clicks Yes 50 times and creates a knowledge article and No 20 times and doesn’t create a knowledge article in the span of a month, their KCi for that month would be:
Knowledge Linking index (KLi)
KLi measures the contribution of a support agent in sharing existing knowledge. To understand its calculation, let’s explore the gamification system from the agent’s perspective.
When a support agent is working on a case for which no knowledge article exists, a message appears on their screen stating: "You've encountered a New Case for which no Knowledge exists. Want to create a KB article to share your insights and solutions?"
The agent can respond by selecting one of the following options: (1) Yes, (2) No, (3) Knowledge Already Exists, and (4) Not a Creation Opportunity.
For KLi, only the third option—Knowledge Already Exists—is used in the calculation.
Knowledge Already Exists: The agent confirms that this is a knowledge-sharing opportunity and links an existing knowledge article to the case.
Formula for KLi Calculation
KLi is calculated as follows:
While calculating the KLi, Knowbler ensures the following:
An article link shared by an agent on a case closed by another agent isn’t counted.
Articles linked on cases closed in the previous month are not included in "Closed Cases with Knowledge Linked." However, the closed case is still counted under "Closed Cases with Linking Opportunities."
Example Calculation
If an agent clicks Knowledge Already Exists 150 times in a month and successfully links articles to 100 cases, their KLi for that month would be:
Knowledge Effectiveness index
Coming soon. This feature will be part of the next release.
Reputation Score
The Reputation Score is calculated as the sum of KCi (KCi Reputation Score) or KLi (KLi Reputation Score) points earned during the rolling period.
Example Scenarios
Rolling Period: 12 Months
An agent becomes a participant in June 2025. By September 2025, the agent's KCi and KLi Reputation Scores are as follows:
Rolling Period: 12 Months
An agent becomes a participant in June 2025. By September 2026, the agent's KCi and KLi Reputation Scores include the sums of KCi and KLi scores for the period from October 2025 through September 2026:
Each agent who participates in knowledge creation and knowledge sharing can be a participant. Participants are selected from the Lists of Participants button in Set-up Dashboard Preferences.
Fig. The Lists of Participants button in Set-up Dashboard Preferences.
Only agents meeting the following criteria can be added:
Have Case-read permissions
Are designated as Knowledge Users
Fig. The list of support agents who meet the criteria to be participants.
Rolling Period
When a support agent creates knowledge or links a knowledge article to a case, the agent receives points. The points accumulate for a period specified in the Reputation Score Rolling Period. If the period is set to 12 months, then the leaderboard shows the points accumulated by an agent in the past 12 months.
The rolling period can be 12 months, 18 months, or 24 months.
Fig. A snapshot of the rolling period options.
Score and Badges
Support agents can earn badges for their contribution to knowledge. Admins can configure the badge scale in such a way that Knowbler automatically assigns badges to support agents.
Fig. A snapshot of the Badge Eligibility Range configuration.
Default badge thresholds are as follows:
Badge/Period |
12 Months |
18 Months |
24 Months |
Badge 1 (Achiever) | 5–28 | 5–40 | 5–52 |
Badge 2 (Expert) | 29–51 | 41–75 | 53–99 |
Badge 3 (Master) | 52–74 | 76–110 | 100–146 |
Badge 4 (Leader) | 75–97 | 111–145 | 147–193 |
Badge 5 (Champion) | 98–120 | 146–180 | 194–240 |