Add and Edit Connections

Knowbler uses a password management system to simplify authorization. It stores the passwords which simplify installation. It's recommended to use the system instead of taking a detour during configuration. So we'll add a connection first.

Add a Connection

  1. Log into Knowbler either from Marketplace or from

  2. Expand Administration, open Connections, and click Add Connection.

  3. Select "Salesforce", "Zendesk" or "Microsoft Dynamics" from Choose Your Platform.

For Salesforce

  1.  In Connection Name, insert a descriptive label. Labels help you distinguish passwords from one another when you have stored several passwords. A descriptive label can be "Salesforce {{Role}} {{Org Name}}".

  2. Client URL is always for Salesforce orgs.

  3. Select either Production or Sandbox.

  4. Click Connect & Save.

For Zendesk

  1.  In Connection Name, insert a descriptive label. Labels help you distinguish passwords from one another when you have stored several passwords.

  2. In Client URL, enter the web address of your Zendesk instance.

  3. Enter client ID and client secret.

  4. Click Connect & Save.

For Microsoft Dynamics

  1. In Connection Name, insert a descriptive label. Labels help you distinguish passwords from one another when you have stored several of them.

  2. Client URL is your Microsoft Dynamics instance URL.

  3. Client ID, Client Secret, and Client Tenant ID are used to authenticate your Microsoft Dynamics credentials. You can find the Client ID in Power Apps. To find Client Secret and Client Tenant ID, check out Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics.

Edit a Connection

You have successfully connected Knowbler with Salesforce. When the login credentials linked with your org change, then use the edit function to authenticate again. Editing impacts mapping. If you have edited a connection, don't forget to review its mapping.

Deleting a connection is easy. Simply press .