Intelligent Insights: Content Health and Content Health Summary

Intelligent Insights in Analytics consists of two reports: 

  • Content Health lists the contribution of each agent to overall content health by highlighting the agent's score on each parameter.

  • Content Health Summary lists the articles that fail to meet the content standards.

    • Duplicate Article means that an article isn't original.

    • Title Inaccurate means that the title isn't an correct reflection the information in the article.

    • Incorrect Metadata means that tags and other metadata haven't been chosen correctly.

    • Links not Valid lists all articles containing at least one broken link.

    • Incomplete Article means that an agent hasn't finished writing the article.

    • Content Not Clear lists articles that are considered obscure for the reader.

Although you can see all six parameters in all the images used in this article, the reports will look slightly different if an admin decides to use fewer parameters. In that case, Content Health contains fewer columns and Content Health Summary has fewer rows. The data in the reports also depends on the period specified in Select Date and the chosen Service Desk Management Tool.

Content Health

At the top of the report, you'll find the Article Status filter, which allows you to view Content Health data for either Published or Draft articles. This filter is available when using Salesforce as a Service Desk Management Tool.

Next are three metrics: 

  • Content Health % tells the proportion of articles, rated by Content Reviewers, that meet or exceed Content Health standards set up in Configure Advanced Settings in Knowbler.

  • Total Articles Reviewed is the number of knowledge articles rated by all your Content Reviewers in the selected Service Desk and the period in Select Date.

  • Score captures the total score of all the agents. More on how score is calculated is covered later in this article.

The screen above reads that Content Reviewers have rated 70 articles and only 20.5% meet the Content Health standards. The overall team score is 253. Again, more on the score later.

Just below the overview tiles is a table where each row has knowledge production data for an agent. In the image, you can see data for two agents.

The first column, Agent Email, contains rep emails. The third column, Article Reviewed, is the number of articles already rated by Content Reviewers.

Content Health is related to the columns in Parameters and the Content Health standards set up in Configure Advanced Settings in Knowbler. If an admin has chosen to evaluate articles on six criteria (Unique, Complete, Content Clear, Accurate Title, Links Valid, and Metadata Correct), then an article can have a maximum of six points. For example, an incomplete and obscure article can get four points if it's unique with an accurate title, working links, and correct metadata. The scheme is illustrated in the table.

Article "X"
Parameter Score
Unique 1
Complete 0
Content clear 0
Accurate Title 1
Links Valid 1
Metadata Correct 1
Total Score 4

In the third column of first row, you can see that Content Reviewers have rated 40 articles, which means that in the best case scenario the agent can score 40 x 6 = 240 points. Theoretically the maximum number of points an agent can score in the report depends on the total articles reviewed and this number is captured in the last column, Total Possible Points. Related to this column is Total Points which captures the actual points scored by an agent. Looking at the first row again, you can see that while the agent could have scored 240, they managed 144.

Content Health is calculated from Total Possible Points and Total Points. The formula is:

Content Health Summary

This report lists all the active Content Health parameters. Clicking on a criterion, you get a list of the articles that don't meet the criterion. In the images, you can see that there are four articles in your knowledge base that are duplicates.

Download and Share Reports

Using and , an admin can share the reports and download them. The emailed report is received with the subject "Knowbler: Content health summary."